Insurance Industry: 5G is an Emerging High Risk Situation Along with Climate Change

Insurance companies typically do not insure harm from radiofrequency radiation (RFR), it is an exclusion in almost all insurance policies. Special pollution insurance is required to cover this. The insurance industry keeps track of relevant emerging risk topics to make sound business decisions to reduce their exposure and costs. In the small town in Langley, in Washington state,  passed a strong but legal wireless facilities ordinance to give as much power as possible back to the city within the legal bounds of the 1996 Telecommunicastions Act (TCA). A provision in their ordinance requires pollution liability insurance . This Oct 2022 article describes the ups and downs of how they did this. 

Wireless Radiofrequency Radiation is an Insurance Risk

Swiss Re is the second largest reinsurance company in the world. In 2013, their Swiss Re Emerging Risk profile listed electromagnetic fields in the highest casualty risk due to “unforeseen consequences” beyond 10 years, similar to asbestos. This distinction is shared with endocrine disruptors and nanotechnology due to their long latency period for harm. 2013- Swiss Re Sonar Insurance Risk Report. Emerging Risk Insights 2013.